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MMCV 시작하기

by Lizardee 2024. 6. 20.

※ MMCV컴퓨터 비전 연구를 위한 기본 라이브러리(foundational library)이다.

  • Data Process
  • Visualization
  • Data Transformation
  • Various CNN Architectures
  • High-quality Implementation of Common CUDA Ops


▶ MMCV는 다양한 리서치 프로젝트를 지원한다:

  • MMClassification: OpenMMLab image classification toolbox and benchmark.
  • MMDetection: OpenMMLab detection toolbox and benchmark.
  • MMDetection3D: OpenMMLab’s next-generation platform for general 3D object detection.
  • MMRotate: OpenMMLab rotated object detection toolbox and benchmark.
  • MMYOLO: OpenMMLab YOLO series toolbox and benchmark.
  • MMSegmentation: OpenMMLab semantic segmentation toolbox and benchmark.
  • MMOCR: OpenMMLab text detection, recognition, and understanding toolbox.
  • MMPose: OpenMMLab pose estimation toolbox and benchmark.
  • MMHuman3D: OpenMMLab 3D human parametric model toolbox and benchmark.
  • MMSelfSup: OpenMMLab self-supervised learning toolbox and benchmark.
  • MMRazor: OpenMMLab model compression toolbox and benchmark.
  • MMFewShot: OpenMMLab fewshot learning toolbox and benchmark.
  • MMAction2: OpenMMLab’s next-generation action understanding toolbox and benchmark.
  • MMTracking: OpenMMLab video perception toolbox and benchmark.
  • MMFlow: OpenMMLab optical flow toolbox and benchmark.
  • MMEditing: OpenMMLab image and video editing toolbox.
  • MMGeneration: OpenMMLab image and video generative models toolbox.
  • MMDeploy: OpenMMLab model deployment framework.





1. PyTorch 설치하기

  • PyTorch: Deep Learning Framework

Start Locally

Start Locally



2. mim 이용하여 MMCV 설치하기

  • mim: mim은 OpenMMLab 프로젝트용 패키지 관리 도구로, 이를 이용해 mmcv를 쉽게 설치할 수 있다.
pip install -U openmim
mim install "mmcv>=2.0.1"

